Sunday, July 20, 2008

Foundation and Sealed Crawlspace

The foundation is almost complete! Now recall that we discussed doing a sealed crawlspace. We have decided to do this. The next steps in construction will be to waterproof the foundation and do the sealing work. After that, framing begins!

Footings Done and Blocks Delivered

In the first photo you can see a good deal of the footings that have been poured and pointed. The second photo shows the blocks, rebar, mortar and sand that will be used to construct the foundation, which is the next step.

Water and Power

Temporary water and power connections were setup to facilitate the construction. Using the well for water during construction means that we don't have to pay for water to be shipped to the site.

The Necessities

Brad shows us the installed "facilities", next to which lies the permit posting. The front panel of the permit box gives an overview and inside one can find all the detailed paperwork.